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The mission of the New Hampshire Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is to prioritize the health and well-being of children by being the premier voice and most trusted advocate for children’s healthcare. We commit to putting children and their caregivers first, embracing proactive approaches in pediatric care, and fostering partnerships and collaboration to ensure a system of care that benefits all children.


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America needs to invest in pediatric health care

Health care resources for children have been trimmed so lean that any unexpected surge in mental health disorders or bump in RSV infections threatens the whole system.
By Presidents of the New England Chapters of the American Academy of PediatricsUpdated November 16, 2022, 3:00 a.m.

Parents in New England are asking pediatricians if their sick child may end up transported long distances to find a hospital room.CHARLES KRUPA/ASSOCIATED PRESS
“Doctor, will there be a hospital room for my sick baby?”
Parents in New England are asking pediatricians if their sick child may end up transported long distances to find a hospital room. As the six presidents of the New England state chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics, we have witnessed pediatric hospital bed closures and shrinking pediatric workforces, leaving the region ill-prepared for even expected seasonal surges in illness. This autumn, New England general hospitals and pediatric specialty hospitals have run close to 0 percent bed availability. This is occurring during the worst youth mental health crisis we’ve seen in our careers. This is not just about respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, which can cause serious infection in the lungs of young children and is surging across the United States. This is about a health care system failing to meet the needs of children.
The past several decades have seen closures of pediatric inpatient beds in community hospitals throughout New England. Our region is not alone. Nationally, pediatric inpatient beds declined by almost 20 percent [publications.aap.org] in the decade before the pandemic as hospitals shifted to more profitable adult care units. These closures resulted in fewer pediatric-trained medical and nursing staff in community hospitals.
Over time, the care of sick children in New England has shifted to academic medical centers. However, major pediatric centers are not immune to economic pressures that disincentivize pediatric care. Tufts Medical Center recently closed its inpatient pediatric unit, replacing it with an adult unit. Caring for kids is simply not as profitable as caring for adults. About half of all children in the United States have Medicaid insurance [aha.org], which pays only 60 percent of Medicare rates on average. Federal and state governments must increase Medicaid rates to match Medicare rates to preserve our capacity to care for children.
Prior to the early fall increase in respiratory illnesses, access to pediatric inpatient beds was already critically strained by the youth mental health crisis. Youth with mental health needs that are unmet in the community frequently remain in emergency departments or inpatient pediatric medical units for weeks awaiting appropriate psychiatric care. Youth may be transferred to hospitals far away from family support during their most difficult struggles. The United States must expand youth mental health services in the community and in hospitals, strengthen the pediatric mental health workforce, and insist on fair payment for youth mental health clinicians.
A pediatric bed isn’t just in a different section of the hospital. It is staffed by nurses and physicians trained in the care of childhood diseases in patients whose bodies are not only smaller but with different physiologies. The government must address the pediatric workforce shortage [dallasnews.com] by raising the number of pediatric-trained clinicians, investing in nursing schools, and increasing loan repayment forgiveness for all pediatric professionals.
The best way to preserve the availability of pediatric inpatient beds is to prevent the illnesses and injuries that lead to hospital admission. Preventive health care interventions like immunizations and early treatment for developmental and behavioral conditions provide the best outcomes for children. The nation and our New England region must commit to major investments in pediatric primary care to keep kids healthy and out of the hospital.
New Englanders must think of all the children in their lives and consider if they would be happy to drive across state lines to access appropriate medical care for their own children. As suggested in a national call to action [aap.org] by the AAP and Children’s Hospital Association this week, the solutions lie in fair payment, investment in the workforce, and engagement with hospitals over their responsibility to communities. Health care resources for children have been trimmed so lean that any unexpected surge in mental health disorders or bump in respiratory viruses threatens the whole system.
It’s time for Americans to prioritize children and insist on investments that optimize the physical and mental health of our future. This is not a temporary crisis that will resolve at the end of RSV season. As a region and as a nation we must commit to long-term investments in children’s health and well-being.
Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, Dr. Rebecca Bell, Dr. Laura Blaisdell, Dr. Allison Brindle, Dr. Scott Schoem, and Dr. Erik Shessler are presidents of the New England Chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Practices should work with WIC for eligible patients.
Click here for the website they are recommended for practitioners and families
Dear Healthcare Partner,
You play an important role in child and adolescent health, including vaccination and cancer prevention. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for all children 11-12 years old to prevent cancer. As you may know, HPV can cause a variety of cancers, including cervical cancer, oropharyngeal (head/neck) cancer, anal cancer, and several other cancers. The HPV vaccine can prevent 93% of cancer cases caused by HPV. However, as of 2019, only 63.2% of New Hampshire adolescents had completed the vaccine series by age 17, leaving about one-in-three at-risk for HPV cancers. Unfortunately, too, disruptions in preventive care due to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to a national decline in HPV vaccine administration by 18%.
Now is the time for adolescents to catch-up on immunizations, and we need your help. We are encouraging all primary care and pediatric providers to work with their administration to take action by:
  • Reviewing current adolescent rates by site and provider
  • Pulling overdue and newly due patient lists
  • Sending letters/emails inviting patients in for annual well-child visits and immunizations
  • Calling patients to schedule well-child and immunization visits

We have included an action guide with more details on getting patients in for vaccinations, as well as sample handouts you may find helpful as you reach out to parents.
The compilation of these resources was supported by Live HPV Cancer-Free, a working group dedicated to increasing HPV vaccine rates in New Hampshire. If you have any questions, would like more resources, or would like to discuss how we can work together to increase HPV vaccination in our state, please contact them at NCCC.Community.Outreach@Dartmouth.edu.
Thank you for all you do!
Parent Handout 1
Parent Handout 2
Provider Action Guide
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